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  • Tezgen%20G%20Series%20Benchtop%20Fumehood%20GB%20HOOD%201800/75
Tezgen G Series Benchtop Fumehood GB HOOD 1800/75
Product code : TZGN G SERISI CEKER OCAK GB HOOD 1800/75

Generally, countertop fume hoods, which are used to remove acid vapor, chemical vapor, and bad odors spread by air, are the preferred model in existing laboratories and in cases where it is needed later. These products, which are placed on existing counters, can also be moved to other points with the help of a few people by only unplugging the fan connection and the electrical plug.


Performance fume hoods, which are produced according to both the relevant standards in Turkey and the European standard EN14175, are also produced by examining the American standard Ashrae 110 standard. (optional)

Countertop fume hoods can be integrated into central systems and have superior air discharge power on their own with their own independent ventilation channels. Thanks to the microprocessor in the fume hood control panel (optional), the airflow and vav control system has an air discharge system in accordance with the TS EN 14175 quality standard. With the optional fume hood interior temperature reading, if it is not at the appropriate temperature for your experiments, you can stop the experiment or production thanks to the alarm if it is not at the appropriate temperature.

Since benchtop fume hoods throw the air they take from the environment out due to their structure, make sure that your laboratories' fresh air supply is always active. Thanks to the hood that prevents heavy and light gases in the interior of benchtop fume hoods from circulating inside the device, it ensures the transfer of gases taken from outside and formed inside the device during experimentation / production. ATEX certified Exproof fan is among the options to prevent flammable and combustible situations.

In benchtop fume hoods, industrial ceramics with very high chemical resistance, scratch and impact resistance can be preferred as the countertop floor, and different solutions can be produced according to the chemicals used.

The inner usage areas of benchtop fume hoods are again coated with polypropylene pp depending on the need. In addition to the inner sides, top and back, care should be taken to ensure that the rear hood is also made of pp polypropylene.

Although there are commonly taps such as gas, air and nitrogen in benchtop fume hood models, users prefer other fume hood models in cases where water or waste is required.

Countertop fume hood models are more economical than other models.

Product Name / اسم المنتج TezgenLab Çeker Ocak G series Benctop Fumehood
Product Brand /ماركة Tezgen G Series
Product Model / نموذج المنتج Antiacid Standart Fumehood
غطاء الدخان القياسي المضاد للحموضة
Size /مقاس Genişlik / Width  /عرض Derinlik / Deepth / عمق Yükseklik / Height /ارتفاع Ürün Kodu/Code / رمز المنتج

900 mm  / 2,95 ft 750 mm / 2,46 ft 1500mm / 4,92 ft GB HOOD 900/75

1200 mm  / 3,93 ft 750 mm / 2,46 ft 1500mm / 4,92 ft GB HOOD 1200/75

1500 mm  / 4,92 ft 750 mm / 2,46 ft 1500mm / 4,92 ft GB HOOD 1500/75

1800 mm  / 5,90 ft 750 mm / 2,46 ft 1500mm / 4,92 ft GB HOOD 1800/75

up to 6000 mm 20 ft

Teknik Özellikleri /Technical Specifications /المواصفات الفنية Standart / Opsiyonelقياسي / اختياري  
Çalışma Zemini
Worktop /سطح العمل
Yekpare 16 mm Kalınlığından Anti Asit Kompakt Laminat Tezgah Üstü
Monolithic 16 mm Thickness Anti-Acid Compact Laminate Countertop
كونترتوب مصفح مضاد للأحماض من سماكة 16 مم
Gövde Tipi
Construction Type /نوع البناء
Galvaniz Çelik Üzeri Elektrostatik Toz Boyalı / Epoxy Boyalı
Epoxy painted on galvanized steel
إيبوكسي مطلي على الفولاذ المجلفن
Gövde Rengi
Color / لون
RAL 7047    RAL 7040    RAL 9005  RAL 9015                        O
Hassas Zemin Ayarı
Ground Setting /إعداد الأرض
25 mm e Kadar  Yapılabilir
Up to 25 mm
Cam Tipi  Glass Type /نوع الزجاج Ağırlık prensibi ile çalışan yukarı aşağı hareketli
Up and down movement working with the weight principle
التحرك صعودا وهبوطا، والعمل على مبدأ الوزن

Yardımcı motor ile tuşlar ile kontrollü otomatik pencere
Automatic window controlled by buttons with auxiliary motor
نافذة أوتوماتيكية يتم التحكم بها عن طريق أزرار مع محرك مساعد

Yardımcı motor ile tuşlar ile kontrollü otomatik pencere
Automatic window controlled by buttons with auxiliary motor
نافذة أوتوماتيكية يتم التحكم بها عن طريق أزرار مع محرك مساعد

Yukarı aşağı hareket ve sağ sola kaydırılan pencere
Up and down movement and window scrolling left and right
نافذة تتحرك لأعلى ولأسفل وتتحرك لليسار ولليمين
Elektrik Prizleri
Electric /كهرباء
Cihaz dış yüzeyinde 2 adet 220 V/50 hz type F elektrik soketi
2 unit 220 V/50 Hz type F electrical sockets on the outer surface of the device
عدد 2 مقابس كهربائية من النوع F بقوة 220 فولت/50 هرتز على الجزء الخارجي من الجهاز
Cihaz iç kaplamasi
Device interior coating/الطلاء الداخلي للجهاز
Galvaniz Çelik Üzeri Elektrostatik Toz Boyalı / Epoxy Boyalı
Epoxy painted on galvanized steel
إيبوكسي مطلي على الفولاذ المجلفن

Farklı kalınlıklarda seramik veya farklı kalınlıklarda PP kaplama
Ceramic coating in different thicknesses or PP coating in different thicknesses
سيراميك بسماكات مختلفة أو طلاء PP بسماكات مختلفة
Package /طَرد Balonlu Patpat Naylon veya Strec naylon
Bubble Nylon and Stretch Nylon
غلاف فقاعي ونايلون ستريك

Ahşap Sandık / Karton Koli
Wooden Box / Cartoon Box
صندوق خشبي / صندوق كرتوني
Delivery/مكان التسليم Parçalar Halinde Demonte / Araç veya Konteyner Istifli
Disassembled in parts / Vehicle or Container Stacked
مفككة إلى قطع / مكدسة في مركبة أو حاوية

Fabrika Adresi
يتم تسليمها من المصنع على عنوان الشركة المصنعة

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